Sunday, February 13, 2011

Product placement boosts brands

Product placement boosts a number of core brand metrics, according to early figures from Germany following the relaxation of rules governing this practice.

SevenOne AdFactory, owned by ProSiebenSat.1, surveyed 350 consumers exposed to goods in such a way, as permitted since April 2010, in Deutschlands Meisterkoch, a cooking competition.

It assessed perceptions of supermarket chain Real and electronic appliances made by Siemens, which both appeared on-screen at various points during the series.

Some 56% of those polled provided broadly favourable feedback about these efforts, largely because they were seen as non-intrusive and in keeping with the nature of the show.

An 84% majority believed Siemens constituted a "suitable" partner for the programme, a total reaching 80% regarding Real.

The report further stated audience members typically distinguished between advertising and product placement.

For example, when asked to name a brand that was advertised during Deutschlands Meisterkoch, just 6% of the contributors only exposed to product placement name-checked Real.

This rose to 23% where placement and sponsorship were combined, but still fell considerably behind the 44% that recollected viewing a traditional TV spot.

However, unaided brand awareness among the cohort that did not see the relevant commercial also climbed from 41% to 52%, and hit 64% when used alongside sponsorship.

Siemens posted an increase from 44% to 66% on this latter measure, suggesting subtle promotion can leave a meaningful impression.

Elsewhere, Real saw benchmarks related to values such as "quality products", "wide range" and "healthy products" rise by up to 33 percentage points.

Siemens witnessed improvements of almost 20 percentage points concerning attributes like "high technology" and being an "innovative company", the study added.